Donald Store
Organization beliefs are completely focused to social welfare and development activities. Some of the beliefs are as follows:
  • Organization and enhancing participation. For promotion of community safety nets and To cope with the community and aware them.
  • To Co-operate society for their overall development.
  • To work for cleaning garbage & waste products.
  • Make this world a batter place to live in.
  • Disposal of unclaimed dead bodies.
  • Respect and care for the community of life.
  • Establish social security.
  • Computer Literacy
  • Strengthen the Deprived
  • Treat all human beings in equality.

Conceptual Background preparation on Rural Development, HIV/AIDS Awareness and intervention, Human Resource Development, SCs & STs development , Promotion Disaster Management, youth Affair, Cultural Development, Human Rights, Pace & Co-operation, Self Help Group (SHG) Formation and training Management, Survey, Identification; analysis assessment and Database Management system installation, Information research and information dissemination


Through micro linkages is the care area of Divyanka Charitable Trust to accelerate economic empowerment strengthening people’s entrepreneurship development for women self-help institutions, leveraging mainstream resources is another key initiative of MEDHA. through capacity building and Integration of community initiatives with PRIs – from designing process to implementation, strengthening community-based conflict resolution process related to NRM witch backward & forward linkage. besides, programme diversification for better resource management is another way out of Mohammadia Educational and Welfare for distressed migrants is other vulnerable groups residing in rural coastal and urban regions to enable multiple livelihood empowerments. We are raising fund through local contribution and member’s support to give pace of development. In this connection and international donors are providing support. We need much financial support for other operations. we are communicating with various donors too.


MEDHA Proposed thematic areas. Divyanka Charitable Trust has worked on collaborating project with Government of Bihar, Government of India, Donor and supporting agencies and with institutes and organization of national repute.

Project Coverage: Organization development and RBM, rehabilitation and reconstruction; natural resource management and livelihood promotion; education; gender; and diversity; water,sanitation, health, and nutrition; appropriate technology promotion, capacity building and development communication.


General Body: is the apex body to amend, change, after the mission vision. General body sits once in a year, this body approves the annual expenditure and programs, appoints, auditors, consultants and other matters relating to policy and strategy of the organization.

Governing body: is the body which primarily thrice in a year to govern and approve the concurrent programs and budgets. if necessary in any emergency, Secretary is authorized to call op a meeting of the governing body in consultation with chairperson

Chief executive: In concurrence with the organization by-laws and MoU, secretary holds the position of chief executive on behalf of the office bearers of the organization. Secretary is also the tame leader of the program executives.

Program Executives: Program Executives are responsible for smooth functioning of field programs, timely service delivery, and program coordination and management. Besides to reach the target beneficiary, reaching reach outs with definite outcome.


The society always aims at social-service to the needy people. Every non-government organization in civil society has mission for which it mobilizes support, influences governments, international organization and corporations, raises funds, educates the public, dedicates resources, and represents its members its beneficiaries, its donors or its stakeholders in a wider sense. In doing so a private NGO seeks to achieve public goods or contributes to social capital, promoting a wider cause than its own continuity. The fundamental responsibility of an NGO is the conduct its affairs in ways that do not adversely affect the peoples, communities, and natural resources it touches.


Independence:- A non-governmental organization will disclose all legal, organization or financial ties with corporation,

Representation:- in dealing with government, corporation, international organization, a non- governmental organization is always clear & honest about representing the members, donors, beneficiaries, or other stakeholders whose interests it is asked to represent